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Roller Derby Resources by Country

Information about all types of Roller Derby resources organized by country. See also more About Roller Derby, about other Roller Sports, and about Skating World Wide.

SkateLog "Roller Derby in Argentina" Article
- Instagram "Roller Derby Argentina‎" Page
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Argentina‎" Category
- Facebook "Selección Argentina de Roller Derby" Page
- Buenos Aires Roller Derby

SkateLog "Roller Derby in Australia" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Australia‎" Article
Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Australia‎" Category

SkateLog "Roller Derby in Austria" Article

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Belgium" Article (BE)
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Belgium‎" Category

- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Brazil‎" Category

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Canada" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Canada" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Canada‎" Category

- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Colombia‎‎" Category

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Denmark" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Denmark‎‎" Category

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Ecuador" Article

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Estonia" Article

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Finland‎" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Finland‎" Category

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in France‎" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in France‎" Category

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Germany" Article ** to be edited **
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Germany" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Germany‎" Category

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Iceland‎" Article

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Ireland‎" Article ** links to be added **
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Ireland‎" Category

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Japan‎" Article ** to be edited **
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Japan‎" Category

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Lebanon‎" Article

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Mexico‎" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Mexico" Article

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in the Netherlands Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in the Netherlands‎" Category

New Zealand
- SkateLog "Roller Derby in New Zealand‎" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in New Zealand‎" Category
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby Leaguesin New Zealand‎" Category

- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Norway‎" Category

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Panama‎" Article ** to be edited **

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in {Peru‎" Article ** to be edited **

- Philippines Roller Derby Resources (PH)

- Poland Roller Derby Resources (PL) ** to be edited **

- Portugal Roller Derby Resources (PT) ** to be edited - says rink hockey **

Puerto Rico
- Puerto Rico Roller Derby Resources (PR)

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Romania‎" Article ** to be edited **

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Russia‎" Article ** to be edited **

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Singapore‎" Article ** to be edited **

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Slovenia‎" Article

South Africa
- SkateLog "Roller Derby in South Africa" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in South Africa‎‎" Category

South Korea
- SkateLog "Roller Derby in South Korea" Article

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Spain" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Spain‎" Category

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Sweden" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Sweden‎‎" Category

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Switzerland" Article

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Thailand" Article (AE)

United Arab Emirates
- SkateLog "Roller Derby in the United Arab Emirates" Article (AE) ** to be edited **

United Kingdom
- SkateLog "Roller Derby in the United Kingdom" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in the United Kingdom" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in the United Kingdom‎‎" Category
- Wikipedia "British Roller Derby Championships‎‎" Article

United Kingdom - Scotland
-- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in Scotland‎‎" Category

United States
- SkateLog "Roller Derby in the United States" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in the United States" Article
- Wikipedia "Roller Derby in the United States‎‎" Category
- Wikipedia "USA Roller Derby" Article

SkateLog "Roller Derby in Uruguay" Article (UY)

- SkateLog "Roller Derby in Venezuela" Article

To Be Added (If Any)

Afghanistan (AF)
Aland Islands (AX)
Albania (AL)
Algeria (DZ)
American Samoa (AS)
Andorra (AD)
Angola (AO)
Anguilla (AI)
Antarctica (AQ:Continent of Antarctica)
Antigua and Barbuda (AG)
Argentina Roller Derby Resources (AR)
Armenia (AM)
Aruba (AW)
Ascension Island (AC)
Ashmore Reef and Cartier Island (AU:Australia)
Australia Roller Derby Resources (AU)
Austria Roller Derby Resources (AT)
Azerbaijan (AZ)

Bahamas (BS)
Bahrain (BH)
Bangladesh (BD)
Barbados (BB)
Belarus (BY)
Belgium Roller Derby Resources (BE)
Belize (BZ)
Benin (BJ)
Bermuda (BM)
Bhutan (BT)
Bolivia (BO)
Bonaire (BQ:Caribbean Netherlands)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)
Botswana (BW)
Brazil (BR) ** to be added **
British Indian Ocean Territory (IO)
British Virgin Islands (VG)
Brunei (BN)
Bulgaria (BG)
Burkina Faso (BF)
Burma (see Myanmar)
Burundi (BI)

Cabo Verde (see Cape Verde)
Cambodia (KH)
Cameroon (CM)
Canada Roller Derby Resources (CA)
Cape Verde (CV)
Caribbean Netherlands (BQ)
Cayman Islands (KY)
Central African Republic (CF)
Chad (TD)
Chile (CL)
China (CN)
Christmas Island (CX)
Cocos/Keeling Islands (CC)
Colombia (CO)
Comoros (KM)
Congo Democratic Republic (CD:Kinshasa)
Congo Republic (CG:Brazzaville)
Cook Islands (CK)
Coral Sea Islands (AU:Australia)
Costa Rica (CR)
Côte D'Ivoire (see Ivory Coast)
Croatia (HR)
Cuba (CU)
Curacao (CW)
Cyprus (CY)
Czech Republic (CZ)

Denmark Roller Derby Resources (DK)
Djibouti (DJ) ** no skatelog article yet **
Dominica (DM) ** no skatelog article yet **
Dominican Republic (DO) ** no skatelog article yet **
Dutch Antilles (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten)

East Timor (see Timor-Leste)
Ecuador Roller Derby Resources (EC)
Egypt (EG)
El Salvador (SV)
Equatorial Guinea (GQ)
Eritrea (ER)
Estonia Roller Derby Resources (EE)
Eswatini (SZ)
Ethiopia (ET
European Union (EU)

Falkland Islands (FK) ** no skatelog article yet **
Faroe Islands (FO) ** no skatelog article yet **
Fiji (FJ) ** no skatelog article yet **
Finland Roller Derby Resources (FI)
France Roller Derby Resources (FR)
French Guiana (GF) ** no skatelog article yet **
French Polynesia (PF) ** no skatelog article yet **
French Southern and Antarctic Lands (TF) ** no skatelog article yet **

Gabon (GA)
Gambia (GM)
Georgia (GE)
Germany (DE)
Ghana (GH)
Gibraltar (GI)
Greece (GR)
Greenland (GL)
Grenada (GD)
Guadeloupe (GP)
Guam (GU)
Guatemala (GT)
Guernsey (GG)
Guinea (GN)
Guinea-Bissau (GW)
Guyana (GY)

Haiti (HT)
Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HM)
Holy See (see Vatican City)
Honduras (HN)
Hong Kong (HK)
Hungary (HU)

Iceland (IS)
India Roller Derby Resources (IN)
Indonesia (ID)
Iran (IR)
Iraq (IQ)
Ireland (IE)
Isle of Man (IM)
Israel (IL)
Italy (IT)
Ivory Coast (CI)

Jamaica (JM)
Japan (JP)
Jersey (JE)
Jordan (JO)

Kazakhstan (KZ)
Kenya (KE)
Kiribati (KI)
Korea Democratic People's Republic (see North Korea)
Korea Republic (see South Korea)
Kosovo (XK)
Kuwait (KW)
Kyrgyzstan (KG)

Laos (LA)
Latvia (LV)
Lebanon (LB)
Lesotho (LS)
Liberia (LR)
Libya (LY)
Liechtenstein (LI)
Lithuania (LT)
Lord Howe Island (AU:Australia)
Luxembourg (LU)

Macau (MO)
Macedonia (name change - see North Macedonia)
Macquarie Island (AU:Australia)
Madagscar (MG)
Malawi (MW)
Malaysia (MY)
Maldives (MV)
Mali (ML)
Malta (MT)
Marshall Islands (MH)
Martinique (MQ)
Mauritania (MR)
Mauritius (MU)
Mayotte (YT)
Mexico (MX)
Micronesia Federated States (FM)
Moldova (MD)
Monaco (MC)
Mongolia (MN)
Montenegro (ME)
Montserrat (MS)
Morocco (MA)
Mozambique (MZ)
Myanmar (MM)

Namibia (NA)
Nauru (NR)
Nepal (NP)
Netherlands (NL)
Netherlands Antilles (AN)
New Caledonia (NC)
New Zealand (NZ)
Nicaragua (NI)
Niger (NE)
Nigeria (NG)
Niue (NU)
Norfolk Island (NF)
North Korea (KP)
North Macedonia (MK)
Northern Mariana Islands (MP)
Norway (NO) ** to be added **

Oman (OM) ** no skatelog article yet **

Pakistan (PK) ** no skatelog article yet **
Palau (PW) ** no skatelog article yet **
Palestine (PS) ** no skatelog article yet **
Panama Roller Derby Resources (PA) ** to be edited **
Papua New Guinea (PG) ** no skatelog article yet **
Paraguay (PY) ** no skatelog article yet **
Peru Roller Derby Resources (PE)
Philippines Roller Derby Resources (PH)
Pitcairn Islands (PN)
Poland Roller Derby Resources (PL) ** to be edited **
Portugal Roller Derby Resources (PT) ** to be edited - says rink hockey **
Puerto Rico Roller Derby Resources (PR)

Qatar (QA) ** no skatelog article yet **

Reunion (RE) ** no skatelog article yet **
Romania Roller Derby Resources (RO)
Russia Roller Derby Resources (RU)
Rwanda (RW) ** no skatelog article yet **

Saba (BQ:Caribbean Netherlands)
Saint Barthelemy (BL)
Saint Helena (SH)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN)
Saint Lucia (LC)
Saint Martin (MF)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM)
Saint Vincent and Grenadines (VC)
Samoa (WS)
San Marino (SM)
Sao Tome and Principe (ST)
Saudi Arabia (SA)
Senegal (SN)
Serbia (RS)
Seychelles (Roller Derby Organizations (SC)
Sierra Leone (SL)
Singapore Roller Derby Resources (SG) ** to be edited **
Sint Eustatius (BQ:Caribbean Netherlands)
Sint Maarten (SX)
Slovakia (SK) ** on skatelog page **
Slovenia Roller Derby Resources (SI)
Solomon Islands (SB)
Somalia (SO)
South Africa Roller Derby Resources (ZA)
South Georgia and Sandwich Islands (GS)
South Korea Roller Derby Resources (KR)
South Sudan (SS)
Soviet Union (SU)
Spain Roller Derby Resources (ES)
Sri Lanka (LK)
Sudan (SD)
Suriname (SR)
Swaziland (name change - see Eswatini)
Sweden Roller Derby Resources (SE)
Switzerland Roller Derby Resources(CH)
Syria (SY) ** no skatelog article yet **

Taiwan (TW) ** no skatelog article yet **
Tajikistan (TJ) ** no skatelog article yet **
Tanzania (TZ) ** no skatelog article yet **
Thailand Roller Derby Resources (TH)
Tibet (CN:China) ** no skatelog article yet **
Timor-Leste (TL) ** no skatelog article yet **
Togo (TG) ** no skatelog article yet **
Tokelau (TK) ** no skatelog article yet **
Tonga (TO) ** no skatelog article yet **
Trinidad and Tobago (TT) ** no skatelog article yet **
Tunisia (TN) ** no skatelog article yet **
Turkey (TR) ** no skatelog article yet **
Turkmenistan (TN) ** no skatelog article yet **
Turks and Caicos (TC) ** no skatelog article yet **
Tuvalu (TV) ** no skatelog article yet **

U.K. Virgin Islands (see British Virgin Islands)
U.S. Virgin Islands (VI) ** no skatelog article yet **
Uganda (UG) ** no skatelog article yet **
Ukraine (UA) ** no skatelog article yet **
United Arab Emirates Roller Derby Resources (AE) ** to be edited **
United Kingdom Roller Derby Resources (UK)
United States Roller Derby Resources (US)
Uruguay Roller Derby Resources (UY)
Uzbekistan (UZ) ** no skatelog article yet **

Vanuatu (VU) ** no skatelog article yet **
Vatican City (VA)
Venezuela Roller Derby Resources (VE)
Vietnam (VN) ** no skatelog article yet **

Wallis and Futuna (WF)** no skatelog article yet **
Western Sahara (EH)** no skatelog article yet **

Yemen (YE)** no skatelog article yet **
Yugoslavia (YU)** no skatelog article yet **

Zambia (ZA)** no skatelog article yet **
Zimbabwe (ZW) ** no skatelog article yet **


World Map of Roller Derby Leagues (2015 Archive)

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| Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Andorra | Angola | Argentina | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Barbados | Belarus | Belgium | Benin | Bermuda | Bolivia | Bosnia Herzegovina | Botswana | Brazil | Brunei | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Cayman | Chile | China | Colombia | Congo DR | Costa Rica | Croatia | Cuba | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | Estonia | Finland | France | French Polynesia | Gambia | Georgia | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Guatemala | Guinea Bissau | Guyana | Haiti | Honduras | Hong Kong | Hungary | Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iran | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Ivory Coast | Jamaica | Japan | Jordan | Kenya | Korea | Kosovo | Kuwait | Laos | Latvia | Lebanon | Liberiaq | Libya | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Macau | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Mauritius | Mexico | Mongolia | Montenegro | Morocco | Mozambique | Myanmar | Namibia | Netherlands | New Zealand | Nicaragua | Nigeria | North Korea | North Macedonia | Norway | Oman | Pakistan | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico | Qatar | Romania | Russia | Rwanda | San Marino | Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Serbia | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Singapore | Slovakia | Slovenia | South Africa | South Korea | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria | Taiwan | Tanzania | Thailand | Togo | Trinidad Tobago | Tunisia | Turkey | Turkmenistan | Uganda | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | United States | Uruguay | Uzbekistan | Vanuatu | Venezuela | Vietnam | Yemen | Yugoslavia | Zambia | Zimbabwe/span> |